Winterizing Checklist
Tweet9 years ago
Winter is almost upon us! Take some small steps to prepare your home for the winter. This is our check list to go through at this time of year. If you need help we are here to do this for you.
- Change furnace filter – Saves energy and reduces dust/particles in your air. You should change once a month during winter months.
- Check window and door seals – Install draft stoppers, check for cold drafts coming in around windows and install window seals to help retain heat.
- Reverse ceiling fans –The warm air rises to the top of your rooms, most fans have a switch you can press to so it turns clockwise. Your fans then recirculates the warm air down into the room, you may just be able to turn the temperature down.
- Gutter clean out – Gutters get backed up with leaves blocking down pipes, causing leaks and can damage your roof. Clean out using a step ladder, gloves and a hose. Lift out the leaves and then wash the gutters through with water.
- Empty outdoor faucets – Disconnect hoses prevents water freezing in the pipe and causing bursts. Some newer homes have an exterior faucet shut off valve, turn this off and open the outside faucets to let the water drain out of the system.
- Turn sprinklers off and blow out – leaving water in the underground pipes can freeze, then in the spring they will leak and waste water. Once the water is turned off they need to have the water blown out. Have this done by a professional such as Total Landscape Management.
Call us to take care of your winterization.